HIYA :) Im soo happy today, ;) winky wink wink, :( im sad. etc etc
You sure wish i was feeling these emotions right now. The truth is im feeling the exactly opposite. Hah but im sure I had you fooled. No? Then you too would agree that emoticons don't mean nothing. Simply employed objectified pieces of emotion to aid , rather add to the credibility of conversation online. Now im beginning to trace who would have come up with this great awesome idea of simplifying emotions into a circle with few dots and a bendy lines. Im gonna get you! You've sure made a lot of money. First the greetings, scrapbooks, slambooks and whatnot and now online?
I strongly oppose the use of emoticons in your conversation online. Does :P even mean anything, or XD, or ;) or ;( or ^^. What the heck, if you think you can sit behind that computer of yours and send out a different emoticon every time there's awkwardness in the conversation or no credibility, you've got another thing coming mister. I aint gonna take this anymore. So stop sending me those smileys, hatleys etc. Coz If you do Im gonna come over and carve whatever emoticon I want over your face. Get it!!!